2023.06.13 Check allele-specific chromatin accessibility at SNPs with the first public release of the UDACHA database!
2022.07.16 Added a new downloadable fileset of ASBs aggregated for individual "cell type + transcription factor" pairs, see Downloads.
2022.07.07 Release Bill Cipher patch 5.1 is out. Fixed a rare scoring issue of events with very high read coverage.
2022.05.27 New release Bill Cipher is now online! It utilizes an updated BAD maps construction strategy that provides solid recall of diploid regions while allowing for intermediate BAD states.
2022.05.27 Release Susan and Zanthar are no longer browsable online. The data remain available for download.
2021.04.11 Revamped release 3.5 with bugfixes and better ASB scoring, see release notes.
2021.03.21 ADASTRA release 3.0 online. Now we support search by eQTL targets and user-defined FDR thresholds.
2020.12.13 A new 'sister' service to annotate SNP sets is now online: check ANANASTRA!
2020.11.18 The website was inaccessible for several days due to hardware failure of the internet provider. All data is back online now. We apologize for inconvenience.