rs13289318 chr9:122017043 A>G

Color scale

color scale ref
-log10 FDR of Ref (A) ASB
color scale alt
-log10 FDR of Alt (G) ASB


Cell type
Effect size Ref
Effect size Alt
Mean BAD
GM02610 (Lymphoblastoid Cell Lines) -2.31 3.48 1.005.3·10-8 1.00
GM12891 (male B- cells lymphoblastoid cell line) 1.64 -2.80 6.0·10-41.00 1.33
LNCaP C4-2B (prostate carcinoma) 2.89 -2.77 1.7·10-31.00 1.00
GM02630 (Fanconi anemi) -0.49 1.52 1.008.1·10-3 1.00
MCF7L-P(immortalized breast epithelial cell line) 1.58 -0.36 9.9·10-31.00 1.50
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1 – 5 of 6

Motif analysis

No data available

Genetic associations

GRASP aortic valve calcium hdl cholesterol ldl cholesterol change with statins rheumatoid arthritis
GTEx eQTL Adipose_Subcutaneous Adipose_Visceral_Omentum Adrenal_Gland Artery_Aorta Artery_Tibial Brain_Cerebellar_Hemisphere Brain_Cerebellum Breast_Mammary_Tissue Cells_Cultured_fibroblasts Colon_Transverse Esophagus_Mucosa Heart_Atrial_Appendage Lung Nerve_Tibial Pituitary Prostate Skin_Not_Sun_Exposed_Suprapubic Skin_Sun_Exposed_Lower_leg Spleen Stomach Thyroid Whole_Blood
