rs1557351 chr18:57085083 T>C

Color scale

color scale ref
-log10 FDR of Ref (T) ASB
color scale alt
-log10 FDR of Alt (C) ASB


Uniprot ID
Effect size Ref
Effect size Alt
Mean BAD
Motif fold change
Motif concordance
SPI1_HUMAN 1.46 0.34 3.4·10-81.00 2.04 -0.30 Weak Concordant
IKZF2_HUMAN 1.56 -2.07 4.0·10-31.00 1.50 n/a n/a
IKZF1_HUMAN 1.82 -2.22 8.4·10-31.00 1.75 n/a No Hit
BHE40_HUMAN 2.02 -3.38 0.011.00 1.33 n/a No Hit
Items per page:
1 – 4 of 4

Motif analysis

SPI1_HUMAN Weak Concordant

Genetic associations

EMBL-EBI multiple sclerosis (age of onset)
GRASP birth weight maternal transmission distortion multiple sclerosis, age of onset premature ovarian failure urinary albumin-to-creatinine ratio years of education
PheWAS abnormal findings on mammogram or breast exam actinic keratosis acute laryngitis and tracheitis acute periodontitis acute upper respiratory infections adverse effects of cardiac rhythm regulators agorophobia, social phobia, and panic disorder alopecia back & neck sprains benign mammary dysplasias benign neoplasm of unspecified sites breast cancer breast cancer, including in situ cataract cellulitis and abscess of face cerebral edema and compression of brain cholelithiasis derangement of joint, non-traumatic diseases of the tongue essential tremor exophthalmos hemorrhoids hypertrophy of female genital organs hypotension hypotension nos infertility, male leukemia lipoprotein disorders lump or mass in breast multiple myeloma nonsenile cataract osteoarthrosis of multiple sites other derangement of joint other dermatoses other disorders of lipoid metabolism and hyperalimentation other specified disorders of breast otosclerosis pancytopenia pathological, developmental or recurrent dislocation poisoning by antibiotics polyarthropathy or polyarthritis involving multiple sites nos prostate cancer renal failure nos seborrhea seborrheic keratosis sinoatrial node dysfunction substance addiction and disorders superficial cellulitis and abscess traumatic arthropathy urethritis and urethral syndrome urinary tract infection
